Testicular Atrophy Causes And Symptoms | Viv Care
In this YouTube video you will get information about what is testicular atrophy? Testicular atrophy causes and symptoms.
What Is Testicular Atrophy?
Testes are the male reproductive organs.
They are responsible for producing, sperm and testosterone.
Testicular atrophy refers to, the shrinking of the one or both testicles in size.
Besides, this is accompanied by reduced
testicular function.
Testicular Atrophy Causes
Testicular atrophy can result from various
causes, including...
1. Aging
2. Chronic Illness
3. Infections
4. Hormonal Imbalances
5. Varicocele
6. Testicular Torsion
7. Trauma
8. Anabolic Steroid Use
9. Radiation Or Chemotherapy
Testicular Atrophy Symptoms
The symptoms of testicular atrophy are as
1. Pain Or Discomfort
2. Changes In Secondary Sexual Characteristics
3. Reduced Testicle Size
4. Decreased Muscle Mass
5. Gynecomastia
6. Decreased Libido
7. Erectile Dysfunction
8. Infertility
Testicular Atrophy Diagnosis
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The information provided on this video is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare provider.
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Vivek Bhardwaj
Testicular Atrophy Causes And Symptoms | Viv Care
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