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It looks like we do not support this file format
No header or invalid header paint can not read this file this is not valid bitmap file or its format is not currently supported.
Grey areas in image
Damaged colors in image
Image is shifted and line in image
Wrong colors in image
Damaged picture header
Heavily damaged picture data
Missing JPEG image header
Structure of jpeg file, how to fix image with hex editor
Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer or the file appears to be damaged
Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found - Photoshop
paint cannot read this file this is not valid bitmap file or its format is not currently supported
windows photo viewer cant display this picture
windows photo viewer can't open this picture
Close some programs that you aren't using or free some hard disk space (if it's almost full) and then try again
windows photo viewer can't open this picture correct permissions
how to repair corrupt photos windows 10
windows photo viewer can't display this picture because the file appears to be damaged
windows photo viewer can't display this picture because the file is empty
Best free Software to Repair Corrupt or Damaged JPEG Photos
how to recover corrupted photos
how to fix invalid image files after data recovery
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Exiftool command to extract thumbnail:
exiftool -a -b -W %d%f_%t%-c.%s -preview:all family.jpg
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