00:12 - Gavel.
04:04- HF1981 (Ward, J.E.) Snow removal authority in uncompleted subdivisions sunset eliminated.
07:06 - HF2660 (Hortman) Forma pauperis party proceeding partial payment or reimbursement of costs amended.
09:33 - HF2213 (Hortman) Small servicer definition amended, and Foreclosure Curative Act clarified.
15:08 - HF2479 (Hilstrom) Housing courts and housing calendars allowed to use referees almost exclusively for landlord and tenant cases.
17:30 - SF2076 (Hansen) Dakota County local government plan adoption.
26:40 - HF2834 (Hortman) Omnibus Energy Policy bill.
1:07:05 - HF3084 (Bernardy) Transportation Department; reporting requirements eliminated; antiquated, unnecessary, redundant, and obsolete provisions eliminated and modernized; and conforming changes made.
1:16:27 - HF2392 (Hornstein) State agencies; cleaner fuel-powered motor vehicles purchase barriers eliminated.
Runs 2 hours, 57 minutes.
House floor session - part 2 4/22/14
House of RepresentativesNonpartisanPublic Information ServicesNonpartisan Public Information ServicesMinnesota House of RepresentativesHF1981HF2660HF2213HF2479SF2076HF2834HF3084HF2392Omnibus Energy Policy bill.ENERGY POLICYrEP. jOHN WARDRep. Melissa HortmanRep. Debra HilstromRep. Rick hansenRep. Connie BernardyRep. Frank Hornstein