Produced by The Washington Post, “12 seconds of gunfire” is a virtual reality adaptation of a story following a first-grader’s journey of trauma and loss following a school shooting. The seven-minute animated film, illustrated by award-winning animator Wesley Allsbrook (“Dear Angelica”) with original script and audio from The Post, is based on reporting by John Woodrow Cox, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2018. Cox is the country’s foremost reporter on school shootings. In addition to the portrait he painted of the Townville shooting, he also analyzed data on the widespread impact of school lockdowns, interviewed countless shooting victims and spent weeks with students who were shot and survived the Las Vegas mass shooting.
This project is available in both 2D and 3D in high definition — check your settings to get the highest quality possible. And for the best experience, try using a virtual reality headset like the Oculus Rift/Go, the HTC Vive, the Google Daydream or Samsung GearVR.
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