GRAFTED tells the story of a shy though brilliant student, Wei (Joyena Sun), who while continuing her father's scientific work, finds a way to achieve the popularity she desperately craves, one bloody body at a time.
On Blu-ray, April 2:
GRAFTED | Scene Clip
2024australiabodyBody-horrorcinema novacinemasdatedendy cinemasEden Hartevent cinemasfeaturettefilmfilmsGinette McDonaldGoreGoryGraftedhorrorHweiling OwinterviewinterviewsJared TurnerJess HongJoyena sunLee MurrayMark MitchinsonMia Maramaramoviemoviesnew zealandnovemberPalace NovareleaseSasha RainbowSepi To’atheatrestheatricaltrailerscenescene clipclip