This video is just about the uses of immobiliser removal 2009 hilux
you need remove dash see location.after replacing transponder key ECU you need to cut new key and program it.
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Hilux immobilizer ECU replacement. (key transponder ECU )
Immobiliser Deleteimmobiliser removalImmo OffImmobiliser Not WorkingKey Fob FaultyCar Won't Startimmobiliser bypasshiluxhilux immobilizerHow To Reprogram an ECUImmobilizer In A Toyota or LexusSecurity lightshilux immobilizer locationimmobilizer locationsecurity lighg not workingcranking but won't startToyota Hilux key transponderkey transponder codingECU initializationDTC B2799 Engine Immobilizer System Malfunctionb2784antenna coil