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Maggots are an excellent high protein supplemental food. However, they do have higher fat levels than other foods, and should not be used as the primary food source for aquarium fish. A couple of supplemental feedings every week or two is not a problem. Maggots may also be used when conditioning breeder pairs. Keep in mind that even though many fish enjoy maggots, not all fish will eat them.
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Feeding My Monster Fishes With Live Maggots part 1
Oscar fish breedingaquariumaquarium fishbackyard pondblack soldier flyblack soldier fly farmingbsf farmingbsf larvaeexotic fishfeeder fishingfeeding fishfeeding fishesfishfish feedingfish foodfish tankfishinghow to make maggotsmaggotmaggot cultivationmaggot feedermaggots feed to fishmatch fishingmonster fishmonster fish feedingmonster fish keepersmonster fish tankoscar fishoscar fish breeding in aquarium