坐落太古城繁華購物地段、佔地逾15,000平方呎的奧迪全新旗艦陳列室現已隆重開幕,兩款全新 Audi A4 Avant S-line 及 Audi RS 4 勁旅,以及 R8 green hell 限量特別版亦首度在港亮相,為奧迪車迷帶來更多精選新款車型選擇。現在一起重溫開幕典禮精華片段,共同見證奧迪在香港創下的新里程碑!
地址: 香港太古城太古灣道12號地下
Located in a buzzing shopping hub and occupying an area of over 15,000 square feet, the brand-new Audi Flagship Showroom has officially opened. What’s more, the new Audi A4 Avant and RS4 as well as the R8 green hell edition model premiered in Hong Kong, providing more new and exciting car models for Audi fans. Now let's review the highlights of the opening ceremony and witness Audi marking its new milestone in the city!
Audi Taikoo Shing Flagship Showroom
Address: G/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
Audi Flagship Showroom Grand Opening
AudiSUVPerformance SUVAudi HKAudi Hong KongquattroAudi S6Audi SUVAudi Avant奧迪奧迪RS Q3奧迪香港Audi quattro奧迪RSRSQ8audi rsq8rsq8 hkQ7AudiQ7Q7hkQ7 2020Audi QSline2020 Q7luxury7seatersAudi SlineQ5sportbackQ5R8GreenHelltaikooShowroomHK ShowroomTaikoo ShingFlagship ShowroomA4AvantRSRS SportRS4RS4AvantRS4 2020Avant 2020A4 Avant