Thalapathy Vijay, the leading South actor, is also a politician now, and he announced 'Thalapathy 69' as his last film as an actor. Vijay joined forces with director H Vinoth for 'Thalapathy 69' and the film started rolling a month back. The second schedule of 'Thalapathy 69' began a few days back, and its underway in Chennai. Meanwhile, Vijay's latest video from the 'Thalapathy 69' set has grabbed attention on social media, and the popular actor was spotted in his new look for the film. Vijay was seen stylish in a double-pocket casual shirt, while the actor's eyewear made him look intense. Vijay's latest look seems to be the actor's look for 'Thalapathy 69', and let's wait for the official first look to know more about the actor's appearance for his last film as an actor.
Thalapathy 69' is said to be a commercial entertainer that will also deal with politics, and a huge set has been erected in Chennai for the film shoot. Pooja Hegde plays the female lead, while Bobby Deol plays the antagonist to lock his second film in Tamil after the latest release 'Kanguva'. 'Thalapathy 69' is announced to hit the big screens in October 2025, and the highly-anticipated film is positioned to shatter every box office record.
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