West Dean Gardens - West Sussex - Black Rose - Aeonium arboreum/Sempervivum arboreum - Aeonium 'Zwartkop' - Iðunnartré - iIunnarblóm -Trädtaklök - Дървовиден еониум - 청법사 - Eonium drzewiaste - Эониум древовидный - Eonium stromkovité - Tree aeonium - Tree houseleek - Irish rose - Hnoðrar - Cassulaceae - Hnoðraætt - Helluhnoðraætt - Þykkblöðungar - Safajurt - Houseplants - Greenhouse - Gróðurhús - Grasagarður - Garðyrkja - Blómaræktun - Plönturækt - Stofublóm - Pottaplöntur . Aeonium 'Zwartkop' is a branching shrub with magnificent, almost black-purple, succulent, polished leaf rosettes with a lime-green centre.
Aeonium arboreum grows as a less branched subshrub and reaches stature heights of up to 2 metres. The more or less upright or ascending, smooth, not net-like patterned stem axes have a diameter of 1 to 3 centimetres. Their leaves are in flattened rosettes with diameters of 10 to 25 centimetres at the end of the stem axes together. Young leaves are pressed tightly together. See more: [ Ссылка ]
Iðunnartré (fræðiheiti: Aeonium arboreum) er þykkblöðungur af ættinni Crassulaceae. Iðunnartré vex í Miðjarðarhafslöndum og Norður-Afríku. Það getur orðið allt að metri að hæð. Iðunnartré er vinsæl inniplanta. Blöðin sitja í hvirfingum efst á stönglunum. Blómin eru gul og sitja í klösum en eftir blómgun greinist jurtin nánar. Það þrífst í birtu en þarf að vera á svölum stað á veturna. Til er afbrigði, Aeonium arboreum var. atropurpureum, með dökkrauðum blöðum. Lesa meira: [ Ссылка ]
A truly captivating Aeonium, award-winning 'Zwartkop' is an evergreen succulent with large rosettes. See more:
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Til helluhnoðraættar – Crassulaceae – teljast ein- eða fjölærar plöntur tvíkímblöðunga með safamiklar greinar og þykk, kjötkennd blöð. Vatn getur safnazt í slík blöð og því þola margar tegundir langan þurrkatíma. Flestar eru jurtkenndar en þó eru til nokkrar trékenndar tegundir, runnar og örfáar vatnaplöntur. Tegundir ættarinnar vaxa um allan heim, en þær eru þó útbreiddastar á norðurhveli jarðar og einkum í Suður-Afríku, aðallega á fremur köldum og þurrum svæðum. Um 1200-1500 tegundir heyra til ættarinnar innan 33 ættkvísla. Engar sérlegar nytjaplöntur eru innan ættarinnar en hins vegar fjölmargar stássjurtir, bæði stofu- og garðplöntur hér á landi. Af stofublómum má nefna kóraltopp (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana), kranskolla (Echeveria spp.) og paradísartré (Crassula ovata) og iðunnartré (Aeonium arboreum). Garðplöntur eru mun fleiri; margir hnoðrar (Sedum), hnyðrur (Jovibarba), eins og kúluhnyðra (J. globifera) og ljósahnyðra (J. heuffelii), húslaukar (Sempervivum) og svæflur (Rhodiola). Lesa meira: [ Ссылка ]
West Dean Gardens has an impressive collection of thirteen working Victorian glasshouses built by Foster and Pearson. There is always colour on display from the large collection of plants including exotic plants, orchids, strawberry plants, figs, nectarines, peaches, gourds, grapes and melons. The splendid glasshouses were all built between 1890 and 1900 and were completely derelict before their restoration in the early 1990s. They are magnificent examples of Victorian craft and ingenuity. They are repainted on a four year cycle; the exteriors over summer, when the weather is kinder, and the interiors over winter, when the glasshouses can be emptied. In addition, they are hand scrubbed from top to bottom, inside and out, each winter, a process that takes two gardeners two months to complete. The glasshouses are heated by a woodchip burning boiler which also heats the College and associated buildings using woodchips produced from West Dean Estate's commercial forestry. See more: [ Ссылка ]
Nestled at the foot of the South Downs, West Dean Gardens in West Sussex is one of the greatest restored gardens open to the public today. Visitors can explore a wide range of historic features on a gentle walk around the grounds. From surreal trees to the restored walled garden, West Dean Gardens proudly presents its rich creative and social heritage. Creatively inspired by its rich heritage and setting. For a day out near Chichester West Dean Gardens is brimming with features to enjoy. An impressive collection of working Victorian Glasshouses, a 300 foot pergola, a spring garden with flint bridges and the occasional surreal fibreglass tree offer year-round interest to garden visitors. See more: [ Ссылка ]
West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0QZ
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