Rakshak Vedike activists from Karnataka attacked six Maharashtra lorries at Hirebagwadi, close to Belagavi. After the incident, the Kolhapur Shiv Sena chapter (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) vowed to demonstrate in Belagavi. Bsavaraj Bommai, the chief minister of Maharashtra, assured Deputy Minister Devendra Fadnavis over the phone that offenders would face harsh punishment and that vehicles coming from Maharashtra would be protected. In response to the violence in Belagavi, NCP leader Sharad Pawar said, "Maharashtra has chosen a patient posture. After 24 hours, if attacks on Maharashtra cars continue, Karnataka's chief minister would be held accountable for whatever happens. The people of Maharashtra are patient. However, the centre must take action if the chief minister of Karnataka says something controversial.
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