Closing eyes ameliorates
In this video Dr. Shrikant has explained the rubric Closing eyes ameliorates.
There are 2 remedies in this rubric namely Kali Carb and Zincum Metallicum.
In Kali carb the main symptom is dullness of mind. The patient feels dull, sleepy and drowsy. The symptom we usually hear is - If I close my eyes I am able to think clearly. The mind is dull and difficulty in thinking is ameliorated by closing eyes.
Another symptom in Kali Carb is Photophobia . The patient feels there is a lot of light and hence he is compelled to keep the eyes closed. During fever patients feel like closing their eyes.
Zincum Metallicum is a brain fag remedy. There is a long continued prolonged exertion causing exhaustion, followed by brain fag.
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