Ness- jacob?
Emmett- no man you are upsest with that dog
Ness- dont call him a dog
Emmett- whatever *in a girly voice*
Nessie- shut up em ...*knock knock* thats jake
Jake- hey ness you ready?
Ness- yea bye guys
*they leave ed, bella, jas, rose come downstairs*
Bella- did ness leave
Alice- yea jacob came to pick her up
Edward- *shakes his head* so when is the party alice?
Alice- next friday * it is wed*
Jasper- lets go to school we are going to be late
*they go home after school*
*everyone went huntind except bedward*
*In bedwards room*
Edward- bella why dont w etake a vacation?
Bella- a vacation? eht about ness
Edward- she can stay at the house
Bella- ok but when and where
Edward- *chuckles* right afetr the party and where is the secret
Bella- please tell me *puppy dog face*
Edward- you look adorable when you do that but i cant tell you
Bella- *grons* 1 thing i hate about vacations
Edward- what is that
Bella- alice is going to take me shopping for ligrini
Edward- you already have a ton
Bella- tell her that
*everybody i back now*
Edward- everybody is back so why dont we call them all downstairs
Bella- sounds good to me
Edward- ok you get rose and em and i will get alice and jasper
*1 min later*
Bella, edward- they are busy
Edward- guess we will have to try later
* outside of nessies door*
Nessie- *opens the door*oh hey what are you guys doing here?
Edward- we wanted to tell everyone something but they are quite busy
Nessie- oh *giggles* what did you want to tell
Edward- later
Bella- lets go edward
Edward- ok bye nessie
Bella- bye ness
*next day
* with e and b*
Edward- where are we going
Bella- the medow
*they go to the medow and talk*
* at home*
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