Macule ,papule , vesicle , pustule , plaque
Terminology of skin lesions according to morphology of lesion as shown in the table
Lets go in to a bit detail
Divided in to 4 groups
1.flat skin lesion less than .5 c.m called macule greater than that called patch
Flat skin if indurated called plaque
2nd category elevated lesions subdivided to a. solid , b. fluid filled, c. pus filled
In solid small lesions are called papule n large are called nodule,
fluid filled small lesions called vesicle n large r called bulla while in pus filled category small n large both lesions are called pustule
3rd category indurated lesions in which all are called plaque
In 4th category lesiuon due to extravasation of blood small lesions are called petechiae and large are called echymosis
Macules are circumscribed , flat n change in color of skin is found may be hyperpigmented or hypo pigmented
Papule are small solid elevated lesion due to hyperplasia n big sized papule called nodule
Vesicle is fluid filled circumscribed elevated lesion lesion arise due to split of skin , big sized vesicle called bullae vesicle may be of 3 types
Plaque are basically altered in its consistency of skin may be elevated or depressed
They may be discoid (uniformly thickened ) or annular (ring shaped)
Pustule are pus filled follicular while abscess is deep seated
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