composition & Lyrics: George Moustaki
singer: Timna Brauer
Piano: Yehuda Hager (
violoncello: Avigail Arad
Video: Or Hager & Micky Yaron (
sound: Moshe Etzioni (using EZ etzioni microphones)
Ma Liberté recorded and filmed live at Shula Levental house in Tel Aviv as sung by Timna brauer. The beautiful sound of the Violoncello
rising out of the great hands of Avigail Arad, the music arranged by Yehuda Hager & Timna Brauer).
Timna Brauer is an Austrian-Israeli singer-songwriter performing with the Israeli pianist Yehuda Hager this days in israel.
She represented Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest 1986, singing "Die Zeit ist einsam" (English: Time is Lonely).
Yehuda Hager Is an Israeli Musical Director And Pianist represented Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest 1987 with the singer Yardena Arazi. Now playing with Timna Brauer
In the show "La Vie en Rose".
This song is well Known in Israel with the translation of Yehoram Teharlev sung by Hava Alberstein by the name "At Cheruti" (my liberation).