You might not be able to see it but I was feeling very stiff during this Scandinavian vacation morning practice. A good practice is not one where we have a break through, although those days a nice. A good practice is not one where everything feels good. A good practice is one that gets done.
I believe in getting on the mat and doing what you can. Some days it’s full power, some days it’s super light, some days it’s in between. Consistency matters over peaks of effort. Little by little we walk the path towards a more peaceful life.
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Kino MacGregor is a yoga teacher, best-selling author, co-founder of Miami Life Center and Omstars, a leading online yoga platform. She has practiced yoga for over 25 years and meditation for over 20. she is one of only a few students to begin the challenging Fifth Series of Ashtanga Yoga and receive the Certification to teach from its founder K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India.
Scandinavian Morning Practice
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