Watch time: 4:42 minutes
00:00 Tips for teachers of children with depression
00:55 Watch children at risk of depression
01:19 What to look out for
01:50 Talking & Listening are vital
02:15 Be sensitive to the child's needs in class
03:01 Encouraging a child who is depressed
03:45 Look out for accompanying difficulties
04:16 Thank You
This film gives Tips for Teachers who have a child in their class suffering from depressive symptoms.
For more information, the accompanying comprehensive Fact Sheets and additional resources visit us at [ Ссылка ]
NB: PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. ... When taught well, PSHE also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.
Please Like and subscribe if you would like to see more of our films on children's mental health and wellbeing - we'd really appreciate it and we think you will too.
Perhaps you're a parent whose child is experiencing Depression? We have more films for you in our Depression in young children Playlist:
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These films range from how teachers and carers can help support children who may be experiencing Depression, to hearing from families' first-hand experiences.
We also explore tips for carers of young children and teachers in our playlists below:
Young children's mental health tips for Parents & Carers Playlist
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These films range from short films with tips on how to help children look after their mental health to insights into tips for teachers in the classroom if their students are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, neurodiverse or neurodevelopmental issues, or how to handle disclosures from children to anxiety about covid or going back to school.
Mental Health tips for Teachers of young children Playlist
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Please Like this film and subscribe if you would like to see more of our films on children's mental health and wellbeing - we'd really appreciate it and we think you will too.
Learn more about Children's Mental Health on our website:
Children's Mental Health [ Ссылка ]
ADHD [ Ссылка ]
Anxiety [ Ссылка ]
Autism Spectrum Condition [ Ссылка ]
Conduct Disorder/ODD [ Ссылка ]
Depression [ Ссылка ]
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Depressive Symptoms : Tips For Teachers
yt:cc=ondepressiondepression short filmalways sadEmotional wellbeingMental health awarenessPrimary school teachersTeacher trainingElementary schoolPre schoolUnder 11sSchool teachingCamhsYoung mindsCarersSocial carechildrens mental healthMy child needs helpKids mental healthMy child is strugglingHelp for childrenMental health supportMy child seems depressedjunior school