"Red Roses for a Blue Lady" is a 1948 popular song by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett (alias Roy Brodsky). It has been recorded by a number of performers. The best-selling recording was made by Vaughn Monroe and His Orchestra Vocalists: Vaughn Monroe and The Moon Men in 1948. It first reached the Billboard magazine charts on January 14, 1949 and lasted 19 weeks on the chart, peaking at No.4. Another recording was made by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians and reached No. 10 on the Billboard charts. The song was revived during the winter of 1965 by vocalists Vic Dana and Wayne Newton and instrumentalist Bert Kaempfert, all three versions charting simultaneously. Dana's version was the most successful, peaking at No.10 on the pop chart. Kaempfert's peaked at No.11 on the same chart. Wayne Newton's version reached No.23. Andy Williams also released a version in 1965.
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Disclaimer: This is a non-profit video made solely for the purpose of study, review, critical analysis and entertainment only. The music is the property and copyright of its rightful owner(s) and David Snell claims no ownership. Under Section 107, Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use, is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
I want some red roses for a blue lady
Mister Florist, take my order please
We had a silly quarrel the other day
I hope these pretty flowers, chase her blues away
Wrap up some red roses for a blue lady
Send them to the sweetest gal in town
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown
I want some red roses for a blue lady
Mister Florist, take my order please
We had a silly quarrel the other day
I hope these pretty flowers, chase her blues away
Wrap up some red roses for a blue lady
Send them to the sweetest gal in town
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown
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