Follow up video of me planting these seeds: [ Ссылка ]
I show how I collect and store Bald Cypress (Taxodium Distichum) Seeds to grow Bald Cypress trees. I collect the bald cypress cones straight from the tree and separate the seeds. I show how I separate the seeds and prepare them to store for winter stratification. I also have decided to make some of these Bald Cypress seeds available for sale if anyone is looking for some to try and grow on your own in the spring
Here are the Amazon Links to some of the items I used
Plant Labels: [ Ссылка ]
Garden Markers: [ Ссылка ]
Corona Snips: [ Ссылка ]
10x20 Tray: [ Ссылка ]
Humidity Domes: [ Ссылка ]
Rooting Hormone: [ Ссылка ]
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How to Collect and Store Bald Cypress Seeds
How to grow bald cypress treeshow to collect and store bald cypress treesBald CypressTaxodium distichumClean bald cypress seedsbald cypress conesstratify bald cypress seedsgrow bald cypress trees from seedsbald cypress seedsgrow Taxodium distichumGrow new PlantsBackyard gardeningBackyard greenhouseBackyard NurseryGrow plants to sellDoublerenoGerminate bald cypressPropagate bald cypressgrownewplantsBald Cypress seeds for slaeCarl Whitcomb