Final part of my series that covers some of my thoughts on the meaning of working out as part of a healthy lifestyle.
I said earlier that there isn’t one workout approach that fits all, and that we all need to learn about our own body. However, the most important aspect which does apply to all of us is mastering the correct exercise technique. Over the years I have refined in my own knowledge a huge “database” of exercise techniques, always worked on getting the form down to a point and understanding what each exercise does, which muscles are involved and what is the training effect. By training effect, I mean what are we trying to achieve with a particular exercise. If we do interval training, we are after endurance, for example. In bodybuilding we can distinguish broadly the two categories of muscle mass building, and of muscle definition. Both are needed and complement your strength training. Generally speaking, big and heavy compound moves are considered mass builders, while isolation exercises target muscle definition.
So my suggestion here is to learn a huge variety of exercises. To each new one you learn, dedicate time. You need consistency in order to improve the technique, become stronger and faster at it. I said earlier that it is important to keep changing training approach and maintain variety in what you do, but remember that variety does not mean inconsistency. Once you have this selection of exercises you are good at, try arranging them in different order, find what intensity works best, experiment with variations.
As a starting point, in my series “Exercise Anatomy” I have provided exercises for 6 different muscle groups, which could be 6 different workouts in your week for example. For each workout I gave 6-7 exercises, showing how to execute them, and which muscles are involved. This series is very concise with information in list form, but a new series will be available soon, “Exercise theory” where I will go through the same exercises in more detail, with narration and trivia.
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