The Quit India Movement, also known as the August Movement or Bharat Chhodo Andolan, was a pivotal event in India's struggle for independence from British rule. It was launched on August 8, 1942, during a session of the All-India Congress Committee in Bombay (now Mumbai), under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. The movement called for an end to British rule in India, with Gandhi delivering his famous "Do or Die" speech, urging the nation to rise against British oppression with a resolve that was unwavering.
The Quit India Movement marked a turning point in the Indian independence struggle. The intensity of the protests and the widespread unrest forced the British to reconsider their position, eventually leading to the independence of India in 1947. The movement also reinforced the principles of non-violence and civil disobedience that had defined the Indian independence movement, with Gandhi's call for a non-violent struggle, despite the repression faced by the movement.
Today, we commemorate the Quit India Movement on August 9th as Quit India Movement Day, to honor the spirit of resistance and the collective resolve of the Indian people to achieve independence. The movement remains a testament to the courage, unity, and sacrifice of the Indian people in their relentless pursuit of freedom and dignity.
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