Reacting to Supreme Court staying the conviction of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in 'Modi' surname defamation case, Mahesh Jethmalani - senior advocate appearing for complainant Purnesh Modi and Rajya Sabha MP said Rahul Gandhi can return to Parliament.“Today the Court stayed the conviction. The Court said that insufficient reasons were given for the 2-year punishment that was earlier pronounced. It said that sufficient reasons should have been given for maximum punishment. Though the Court stayed the conviction today, in the eyes of law he is still a convict. 'Stay' means that the consequences of conviction - like disqualification - will be stayed because, as I said, the reasons were not sufficient. But now, there will be an appeal in the sessions court. Ruling of the magistrates' court is correct for both sentencing and conviction but due to the 'stay', he can return to the Parliament. The fact of the matter is that he (Rahul Gandhi) is a convict and when the case goes on, I hope, he will be established as guilty. I can't say what sentence will the Sessions Court pronounce - 2 years or lesser or fine. But the evidence that has been presented is so strong that he will not be cleared of conviction,” said Mahesh Jethmalani.
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