Join us for a deep dive into the ongoing controversy surrounding NewsClick. The channel is under intense scrutiny for allegedly receiving foreign funds to support anti-India activities. The FIR accessed by Times Now reveals a concerning blueprint aimed at distorting, disrupting, and dismantling the nation. Key players like Neville Roy Singham, Gautam Navlakha, Gulam Nabi Fai, Prabir Purkayastha, and Amit Chakraborty are implicated in the FIR, accused of disrupting social harmony, sympathizing with terror groups, and funding anti-government protests with the intent to harm India's unity, security, and sovereignty. The following sections have been imposed to the key members of Newsclick Sec 16 of UAPA Terrorist Acts, Sec 17 UAPA Raising funds for terrorist acts, Sec 22c UAPA Threatning Witnesses and many more.
Watch the entire video to know more, and stay tuned.
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