Dubbing artist and recently debuted actor Raveena Ravi won Best supporting role for her role as Divya in the movie Love Today at JFW Movie Awards 2023. The award was presented by her Love Today costar Yogi Babu. Both thanked directed Pradeep Ranganathan and Yogi Babu talks about his upcoming movies like Jawan and Jailer. He also talks about the simplicity of Rajinikanth, Vijay and Ajith. Raveena and Yogi Babu shared a fun moment at the JFW stage recreating an iconic scene from Love Today with Pultheesh.
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Title Sponsor - Twin Birds
Powered by - Prithivi Innerwear, GRT Jewellers
Colour Partner - Nippon Paint
Co Presented - Yamaha FZ-X
Associate Sponsors - Finesse Fine Mattresses, Kaveri TMT Bars, Aphrodite Drapes
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