The Bean Nighe, known as the washerwoman or the washer at the ford. Is said to be an omen of death. She can commonly be found in dark lonely places next to streams or pools. Here the spectral woman washes the bloodstained cloths of those about to die. Many suggest that only those doomed to die could see the washerwoman, but this is not always the case. There was a belief held in the highlands that if a woman dies during child birth her soul would be trapped by the fae and she will become a Bean Nighe, doomed to perform the hideous task of bringing the message of death to others for all time. Some say that this terrible fate could be avoided, if the dead woman’s clothes were washed in the river on the day she died. If not, her sprit would wash the clothes of the dead for eternity. There are many different descriptions of the Bean Nighe, and she seems to have different properties depending on her location.
Intro Music: Written for me by Bobbin
[ Ссылка ]
Other Music by : Alexander Nakarada [ Ссылка ]
Campbell, J. G. (1900) Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Glasgow. James MacLehose and Sons
Data-wales (1996) The Coracle - a one person boat with an ancient lineage. [[ Ссылка ]]
Giraudon, D. (1996) Lavandières de jour, lavandières de nuit. [[ Ссылка ]]
HistoryFiles (2021) Damnonii & Attacotti (Britons) [[ Ссылка ]]
MacGregor, A.A. (1937) The Peat-Fire Flame: Folktales and Traditions of the Highlands and Islands. The Moray Press.
Mackenzie, D. (1912). A Highland Goddess. The Celtic Review, 7(28), 336-345. doi:10.2307/30070410
ScotClans (2013) The Bean Nighe [[ Ссылка ]]
Sedgwick, I. (2020) Why is the Bean Nighe seen as an omen of death? [[ Ссылка ]]
Uncovering Scotland (2021) Bean-nighe (Washer Woman) [[ Ссылка ]]
Undiscovered Scotland (2021) Fearn Abby [[ Ссылка ]]
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