Moses had a mountain-top experience in chapter three, but the direction off the mountain is always downhill in all directions.
The conflict between Moses and Pharoah begins in chapter five. This is the preview to the plagues.
In the Bible, Egypt is an illustration of the world, the people who are against the things of God. Pharoah then, as the leader of Egypt, is representative of Satan. The confrontation between Moses and Pharoah isn’t just between them. This battle is between the kingdom of light and darkness.
Paul said, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.” -- (Ephesians 6:12)
The word of promise from Genesis becomes a word of fulfillment in Exodus. The people chosen in Genesis become a people called in Exodus.
A study of Exodus chapters 5-6 based on “Explore the Bible: Winter 2024-25” from Lifeway. This is the second lesson from Exodus prepared by Gary Stieber for Houston's First Baptist Church.
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Exodus 2:23-3:15 [ Ссылка ]
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Exodus 5-6: Moses and Pharaoh, God and Satan
Exodus 5Moses meets PharoahLet my people goI am the LordThe Seven I will statementsExplore the Bible – freedom promisedExplore the Bible 12082024Bible classBible studyBible storiesBible lessonsBible messagesBible discussionBible explanationGary Stieberbaptist church Houstonchristian church HoustonHoustons First Baptistfaith questionsExplore the BibleExplore the bible explainedExplore the bible commentary