Documentary Film film On the growth of German aggression, 1934-1940. Contains many virtual maps explaining German tactics and many views of Adolf Hitler giving speeches Part 1 shows a large Nazi rally and riots in Belgium and France, shows a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. Includes images by Joachim von Ribbentrop and Fritz Kuhn. Part 2 shows the mobilization of industry and the workforce, including training paratroopers. The images show the invasion of the Rhineland and the construction and maintenance of the Siegfried Line. In part 3, Germany captures Austria and Czechoslovakia, and the images show Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier at the Munich Conference; Chamberlain reports the negotiations. The footage also features President Eduard Benes. In part 4, the Polish campaign begins. Scenes of Luftwaffe activities and comparative German and Polish military strength are shown. The film includes views of the Moscow Conference, and in part 5, Warsaw is besieged and captured, and masses of Polish soldiers are captured. The images show the suffering of Polish citizens, Russia capturing Eastern Poland and British planes bombing German ships in the Kiel Canal.
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