Drew Decoste, TEK NorthEast's Application Engineer, and Mike Cost, Parker IPD's Product Manager, discuss the advantages of Parker's IntraFlow™ Sampling System. Subscribe and visit our website for more TEK Talks with brands and products you trust: [ Ссылка ]
About Parker’s IntraFlow™ Sampling System
Parker’s IntraFlow™ Sampling System has been developed specifically for analytical, lab, and other complex general-purpose instrumentation flow control systems. ISA/ANSI SP76.00.02 compliant, Parker IntraFlow™ fittings and valves provide maximum flexibility with minimal space requirements. One of the unique features is that all flow paths, regardless of direction, are maintained on a single plane within the system as there are no lower-level manifold blocks required.
The compact, modular design provides contiguous fitting flow paths that are intra-connected with slip fit pressure connectors, while a threaded pegboard provides connection force and rigidity when fittings are mounted with cap screws. System assembly couldn't be simpler.