China has embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor in the field of space exploration by initiating the construction of a colossal 40-meter-aperture radio telescope in Shigatse. This ambitious undertaking holds the promise of providing invaluable technical support for China's lunar and deep-space probe missions in the not-so-distant future. Spearheaded by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), a venerable institution operating under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this state-of-the-art radio telescope is slated to be integrated into a sophisticated very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) network that spans the vast expanse of China.
#china #chinanews #lunarmissions #moon #chinaspace
00:00 – Intro
00:55 - China’s New Radio Telescope
03:04 - Design & Implications
05:58 - Significance & China’s Commitment
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