Watch the full tutorial to sew your own DIY Reformation Shirred Top here: [ Ссылка ]
I completely fell in love with this shirred Reformation top the moment I saw it while scrolling my Pinterest. The $148 price tag though…yeah, not so much.
Can you believe I was able to recreate this blouse with just a couple of squares of scarp fabric, though?!? And guess what- you (yes, YOU!) can make your own version as well just by following the step-by-step tutorial linked in my bio.
Have you ever made your own version of a Pinterest crush? Gimme all the deets below (I wanna steal your ideas!)
Shirring Tips: [ Ссылка ]...
FREE Shirring Tips Downloadable PDF: [ Ссылка ]...
Fabric: [ Ссылка ]
Shirring Elastic: [ Ссылка ]
1/4" Elastic: [ Ссылка ]
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**some of the above products use affiliate links, That means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase using one of the links provided, but there's never any pressure for your to buy this way. I just like sharing the products I genuinely enjoy using :)
#memadewardrobe #shirring #sewingproject #zerowastesewing #slowfashion #imakemyownclothes #handmadefashion #handmadewardrobe #diyreformation #reformationtop #sewmystyle
DIY Reformation shirred top sewing tutorial
Diy reformation topHappy makes meMe made wardrobeRecreating pinterest outfitsShirring with elastic threadSlow fashioncottage corediy milkmaid topdiy reformationdiy reformation clothesdiy reformation inspireddiy reformation inspired shirred topdiy reformation topsethical fashionhandmade wardrobeme made clothesreformation diyreformation inspiredreformation top diysew with meshirred topsquare neck topsustainable fashion