Background & Objective:
Every large fire starts as a small fire and grows exponentially. Rapid detection and suppression are crucial to successfully fighting fire before it has a chance to develop into a catastrophic, fully developed fire.
What FlameRanger XT Does:
The FLAMERANGER XT is a high capacity, fully automatic, fire detection and extinguishing system designed to provide rapid detection and extinguishing of fire incidents on the exterior of buildings.
How it Works:
The system uses 2 x FV300 Array IR Detectors to detect and locate a fire in 3 dimensions (x, y, z). Up to 4 fires can be detected simultaneously, and the system knows the size and volume of the fire(s) as well.
When a flame is detected, the system extends from the building a robotic arm mounted with an advanced robotic nozzle. The TARGA Robotic Nozzle PLC opens the valve or starts pump when the nozzle is aimed at the target fire.
A large flow of water is then accurately aimed directly onto the target fire (or fires). The spray angle is also automatically adjusted. The stream dynamically follows the flame if the flame moves or spreads.
When no more fire is detected, the system automatically shuts off and returns to stand-by mode, and the water supply closes automatically, retracts the robotic arm and nozzle, and the system remains ready to reactivate should a flame reignite.
Network / Web-Server:
Each individual, fully self-contained, stand alone system has a built-in web-server with UniWeb™ technology. The FLAMERANGER XT web-server allows remote monitoring and remote control of all systems, providing personnel, in the control room and/or in the field, with the exact status of each unit 24/7/365.
The web-server also makes it possible to manually remote control any system. If there is a fire in a car on the street below, for example, fire fighters can start the FLAMERANGER XT nozzle and fight the fire, without even being at the scene.
Groups of FLAMERANGER’s cooperate:
A FLAMERANGER system that detects a flame can activate its neighboring systems to provide support to the extinguishing and to provide protection to the rest of the building
How many units are required?
Unifire estimates that, at a minimum, one FLAMERANGER XT system should be installed on each side of a building for every 100 meters.
One system for each side, so normally 4 systems to achieve full 360° protection.
A 300 meter tall building may require 12-16 systems, depending on the layout of the individual building.
The reach is approximately 50 meters horizontally, and with help of gravity, 70-80 meters of effective range can be achieved when shooting downwards.
Depending on pressure the nozzle can shoot up to 30 meters upwards.
Recent high rise fires show massive chunks of burning debris that could easily ignite unprotected neighboring buildings. The units can also be configured such that when a fire is detected, the neighboring nozzles are also activated to support the extinguishing and to prevent any fire spread. When a fire is detected in one building, the neighboring buildings can use the nozzles to assure fire is not spread.
For more information, visit FlameRanger.com
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