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After I visited the Roman theatre, I took a ride over to the citadel for a self guided tour.
I normally use guides, but in this case time was limited and I wanted to do a lot more later that day including visit Jerash.
The citadel is located on a hilltop overlooking downtown Amman, and very easy to get to. All the taxi drivers know it. Organized tours will take you there or grab a tour guide on the spot.
Make sure to jump around the large blocks that make up the Temple of Hercules and gaze at his hand from the statue that was once there.
I think you'll laugh at the size of the hand, because the photos make it look enormous.
Music by
AK - Lovestory
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Used by permission of Artist
The Citadel in Amman, Jordan
Igor tochilnikovigor travels the worldtochilnikovtravelbackpackingexploreworld travelammanamman jordanjordanjordan travel guidetravel guidethings to dobest oftop tentop 10citadelthe citadelcitadel ammanherculestemple of herculesmythologyromanthings to do in jordanthings to do in ammanvacationmiddle eastguidetourhercules handstatuecaveundergroundroman ruins