Masked Bahraini riot police stormed the house of prominent human right activist Nabeel Rajab and arrested him after a court sentenced him to three months in prison over a tweet against the prime minister.
Rajab's lawyer Mohammed al-Jishi confirmed that Rajab would lodge an appeal against the prison sentence.
"Every day there are a thousand people insulting a thousand people, this isn't logical. Normally the charge of insult leads to just a fine. So for me it's a surprise," Jishi said.
Head of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Rajab spent three weeks in jail in June after suggesting in a tweet that residents of the Sunni Muharraq district had decided to back prime minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman only for financial gain.
A group of retired army and security officers filed a complaint over that tweet against the prime minister.
Rajab, who has been at the forefront of the pro-democracy protests during 16 months of unrest in the Gulf Arab, was arrested a first time on 5 May at Manama airport after returning from a conference in Beirut, Lebanon.
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