The world as we know it could be over in a blink.
The 2021 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) provided an assessment of the current state of climate change, which was described as “Code Red for Humanity” by the UN Secretary-General. The IPCC itself offered a bite-sized summary: “Climate Change is widespread, rapid & intensifying. Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region & across the whole climate system.” See here:
You'd never know this from the actions of governments across the world who are happy to keep things status quo and to make sure the fossil fuel industry remains profitable. Nor does the climate crisis get the media attention it most certainly deserves – and if it does, the severity or implications are generally not discussed. Are we sleep walking directly to sudden and severe climate change? Sleep walking to a cataclysm? If we don't act urgently now, we will be...
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