Title: Cargo (2017) Movie Explained in English | Post-Apocalyptic Survival Drama Recap
Description: In this video, we recap the 2017 post-apocalyptic survival drama Cargo. Set in a world ravaged by a deadly pandemic, the film follows a father, played by Martin Freeman, who is infected with a zombie-like virus. Desperate to save his infant daughter before he turns, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the Australian outback in search of a safe haven. I’ll break down the key plot points, emotional moments, and the intense survival challenges that make this film a gripping and heartfelt story. If you're looking for a detailed recap of Cargo, this video is for you!
A virus that turns humans into zombies within 48 hours spreads through Australia. Andy and Kay, a married couple, try to protect their daughter Rosie from the virus.
Initial release: October 6, 2017
Directors: Ben Howling, Yolanda Ramke
Distributed by: Netflix
Produced by: Russell Ackerman; Kristina Ceyton; Samantha Jennings; Mark Patterson
Production companies: Umbrella Entertainment; Addictive Pictures; Causeway Films; Head Gear Films
Disclaimer: Any footage(s) in this video has only been used to communicate a message (understandable) to the audience. According to my knowledge, it’s a fair use under reviews and commentary section. We don't plan to violate anyone's right. Thanks.
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