AWS CodePipeline helps us to orchestrate CI/CD pipelines. To implement real-world pipelines, CodePipeline calls additional AWS services to do the work. E.g., CodeBuild to run arbitrary scripts, CloudFormation to create or update stacks, or CodeDeploy to deploy software to running EC2 instances. A pipeline is connected to sources such as a git repository (Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise Server, CodeCommit), an S3 bucket, or an ECR repository. If a source changes, the pipeline executes. But how do real-world pipelines look like? In this video, I share pipelines with you, from simple to complex.
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00:00 - Intro
00:42 - What to expect
01:46 - Introduction to AWS CodePipeline
04:47 - Available Source Integrations in CodePipeline
06:50 - Common Architectures of Pipelines
09:50 - Missing Acceptance tests
14:44 - Real-World Example
17:19 - CodeDeploy
18:47 - Demo: marbot pipeline
24:27 - Pitfall: Update pipeline in pipeline
26:20 - Outro
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