What to place on an aviary floor? This is what we've been asking ourselves ever since we chose to get an aviary for our budgies. It can be quite hard to decide what to do with the ground in the aviary. There are many types of bedding that you can choose from: Concrete, grass, soil, wood chips... but which option is the best one for your aviary? I hope our experiences can help you answer that question!
So far we've tried soil and wood chips. In this video you see the pros and cons of both types of bedding. I also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of putting grass, concrete or tiles as your aviary floor. The best type of aviary floor is different for each situation, depending on the climate, your personal preferences, and more. Maybe this video can help you figure out what to do for your birds :)
Music credits:
'Acoustic Motivation' by Coma Media
'Sunny' from Bensound.com
'Grut' by Patrick Patrikios
What to Place on an Aviary Floor? 🐦
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