Shortly after the notice, the Delhi Police in a statement said the Seelampur police station received a call from LNJP Hospital about the incident involving the physical assault of a boy about 10 years old on Thursday. “Immediately, the police team reached at the hospital and met with the parents of the child but they refused to give a statement. The child was under medical observation," an official statement from the DCP office said.
Police said the family of the minor did not give a statement till September 24 while the Investigation Officer assigned to the case contacted them regularly. On Saturday, a counsellor from the “Sakhi" organisation was arranged by the police and counselling of the mother of the injured child was conducted. After extensive counselling, the mother disclosed that three days back ie, on 18.09.22, her son “A" was physically assaulted and sodomized by his three (03) friends."
During the investigation, it was found that the victim knew the accused, all between 10-12 years of age, and were his friends and neighbours from the same community. Allegedly, one of the accused is also a cousin of the minor. So far, one minor apprehended in connection with the case has been produced before Juvenile Justice Board while two others are still absconding.
A case under section 377/34 of IPC and section 6 of the POCSO Act was registered and an investigation is underway.
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First Published: SEPTEMBER 25, 2022, 19:45 IST
Last Updated: SEPTEMBER 26, 2022, 00:05 IST
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