Odessa National Medical University promotes, and hosts events all over the year to entertain our students, to show them our Ukrainian traditions and celebrations and to learn from our foreign students about their favorite ways to celebrate different national fests. ONMU also engage in activities that provide our student with quality entertainment. Throughout the year, Odessa National Medical University plans hundreds of events and spend countless hours broadcasting over the airwaves. These campaigns offer a great opportunity for student leaders to build leadership and teamwork skills, provide quality entertainment to them, and obtain real-world experience that will help them in their future career endeavors.
Odessa National Medical University was the first university in Ukraine which started medical education in English medium in 1996. In 2005, Odessa National Medical University was awarded a medal for the development of a modern model for teaching the English speaking students by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Odessa National Medical University is one of the largest higher medical university, a member of the European and International Association of Universities, the leader of reformation of medical education in the country. Odessa National Medical University is a higher education institution of the IV (the top level) accreditation level conferred by the State Accreditation Committee of Ukraine.
Leader Education is the best consultancy for Abroad MBBS. We deal with student recruitment for MBBS in universities of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, China, Philippines, Lithuania. We are the only educational consultants that help students throughout their entire period of education, providing ground support in every country. We have our own renovated hostel for our students. Professionalism, honesty, tolerance, speed and client-centric behavior are some of the qualities that have been associated with us.
Our Expert
Dr. Ashu Rawat is an MBBS abroad consultant and here he is explaining in detail in this videos about MBBS abroad and universities in which many Indian students go for MBBS.
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MBBS IN Ukraine - Odessa National Medical University
Leader EducationMBBSodessa national medical universityMBBS AbroadMBBS UniversityMBBS UkraineMBBS KazakhstanMBBS RussiaMBBS KyrgyzstanMBBS BelarusMBBS GeorgiaMBBS ArmeniaMBBS UzbekistanMBBS ChinaMBBS PhilippinesMBBS LithuaniaMBBS Abroad SpecialistMBBS Study AbroadMBBS Study ConsultantBest MBBS Study ConsultantAbroad MBBSMBBS Consultant In IndiaDrashurawatDr. Ashu RawatmyabroadmbbsMBBS Abroad Study Consultantodessaodnmu