A deep dive into the INFJ or IEI type in MBTI/Socionics using Carl Jung’s principles. The INFJ type explained with their cognitive / jungian functions in an alternative way.
A new system to describe your personality and mind has arrived using psychodynamics and the principles of Carl Jung, Ausra, and other authors of Jungian typology (16 Psychological types, MBTI, Socionics) to create a comprehensive and inclusive system of 16 completely unique Sociotypes that see and navigate the world extremely differently from each other.
The Fundamentals and other fun jargon are on my PDB account "Scrubby" which you can check out the link on this channel for.
Thank you, and stay curious.
Similar types Chain (Model S)
Code: First row of functions = valued, Second row = unvalued.
LII: 4D Ti, 3D Ne, 3D Si, 1D Fe || 1D Fi, 2D Se, 4D Ni, 2D Te
LSI : 4D Ti, 3D Se, 3D Ni, 1D Fe || 1D Fi, 2D Ne, 4D Si, 2D Te
SLE: 4D Se, 3D Ti, 3D Fe, 1D Ni || 1D Ne, 2D Fi, 4D Te, 2D Si
SEE: 4D Se, 3D Fi, 3D Te, 1D Ni || 1D Ne, 2D Ti, 4D Fe, 2D Si
ESI: 4D Fi, 3D Se, 3D Ni, 1D Te || 1D Ti, 2D Ne, 4D Si, 2D Fe
EII: 4D Fi, 3D Ne, 3D Si, 1D Te || 1D Ti, 2D Se, 4D Ni, 2D Fe
IEE: 4D Ne, 3D Fi, 3D Te, 1D Si || 1D Se, 2D Ti, 4D Fe, 2D Ni
ILE: 4D Ne, 3D Ti, 3D Fe, 1D Si || 1D Se, 2D Fi, 4D Te, 2D Ni
ILI: 4D Ni, 3D Te, 3D Fi, 1D Se || 1D Si, 2D Fe, 4D Ti, 2D Ne
IEI: 4D Ni, 3D Fe, 3D Ti, 1D Se || 1D Si, 2D Te, 4D Fi, 2D Ne
EIE: 4D Fe, 3D Ni, 3D Se, 1D Ti || 1D Te, 2D Si, 4D Ne, 2D Fi
ESE: 4D Fe, 3D Si, 3D Ne, 1D Ti || 1D Te, 2D Ni, 4D Se, 2D Fi
SEI: 4D Si, 3D Fe, 3D Ti, 1D Ne || 1D Ni, 2D Te, 4D Fi, 2D Se
SLI: 4D Si, 3D Te, 3D Fi, 1D Ne || 1D Ni, 2D Fe, 4D Ti, 2D Se
LSE: 4D Te, 3D Si, 3D Ne, 1D Fi || 1D Fe, 2D Ni, 4D Se, 2D Ti
LIE: 4D Te, 3D Ni, 3D Se, 1D Fi || 1D Fe, 2D Si, 4D Ne, 2D Ti
By the way, my theory converts with Jung, but I'm not sure about its relationship with MBTI. Sociotypes might be different here, as well.
Unlike ordinary Socionics, the types are unique in terms of dimensionality, and in general to be honest.
Socionics: [ Ссылка ]
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