This is a contrast review of three of the toughest watches that G-Shock makes. In the video, its shown how each watch compares to the other to help someone pick a best watch for their particular needs or wants. It is a tabletop review with lume shots and overviews of each of the watches.
At the end I declare my favorite of the three watches.
If you have one of these beasts, please tell me your thoughts of the watch in the comments below. If you are in the market for one or just browsing, tell me what you like or would change about the covered watches.
The three watches are:
Mudmaster - Maharishi collaboration edition, Japan domestic model
Gravitymaster - Olive Drab edition, Japan domestic model
Rangeman - Black edition, Export model
G-Shock Master of G Comparison
gshockg-shockmudmastergravitymasterrangemannav watchsolar watchrugged watchrechargeable watchbluetooth watchultimate watchmaster of gtriple g resistdigital watchanalog watchwaterproof watchmaharishijapan domestic watchcasiocasio gshockcasio g shockbest watchescarbon fiber watchcompass watchbarometer watchaltimeter watchwristwatchrugged wristwatchmud watchmagnetic watchgshock fasionfasion watchmens watchgwg-1000