They keep a separate shoal and school. I had no idea this would happen when adding the cardinal tetras
35 Gallon Tank
20 Black Neon Tetras
9 Cardinal Tetras
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Sunshine Pleco
1 Corydora
Java Moss and driftwood scape
Fluval canister filter
There are a few differences between black neon tetras and cardinal tetras:
Appearance: Black neon tetras are small, slender fish with black and silver stripes running down their bodies. They have a bright neon blue stripe on the edge of their fins. Cardinal tetras are also small and slender, but they have a brighter, more colorful appearance. They have a bright red stripe running down the middle of their body and blue stripes on their fins.
Behavior: Black neon tetras are generally more peaceful and timid than cardinal tetras. They may be more prone to hiding in plants or behind objects in the tank. Cardinal tetras are generally more energetic and bold, and may be more likely to swim out in the open.
Tank requirements: Both black neon tetras and cardinal tetras need a tank with clean, well-oxygenated water and plenty of hiding spots and plants. However, black neon tetras are more tolerant of fluctuating water conditions, while cardinal tetras need more stable water parameters.
Diet: Both black neon tetras and cardinal tetras are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods. However, cardinal tetras may require a higher protein diet, as they are more active and energetic than black neon tetras.
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