Meaning of venerate: regard with great respect.
1. To venerate the fire chief’s forty years of service, the department held a special banquet.
2. These children are venerated as holy beings.
3. The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint.
4. The Bible says we should venerate our parents and our elders.
5. Many people attend church services to venerate God.
6. The town plans to venerate the former president by naming a street after him.
7. Because my grandfather never failed to venerate my grandmother, the couple had a happy marriage for over seventy years.
8. I cannot believe some people have the nerve to venerate the terrorist as a hero!
9. I venerate the memory of my grandmother.
10. We were taught to venerate the glorious example of our heroes and martyrs.
Venerate | Meaning with examples | My Word Book
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