There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones that LOL and those that ROFL. But laughter experts say that there are many more types. Are you a cackler? Then you're always the center of everyone’s attention. And you don’t only attract attention but also success. They’re bold and self-confident!
Or maybe you're a guffawer? So what does that say about you? You're are extroverted and sociable. One such person in a group of friends is enough to keep any party or conversation lively. By the way, some people start off laughing almost discretely and then burst out into a guffaw – that’s called a “carry-on” laugh, and it’s impossible not to join in!
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The Giggle 0:24
The Snort 0:52
The Guffaw 1:29
The Cackle 2:15
Craughing 2:47
The Wheeze 3:16
The Snicker 3:47
The Silent Laugh 4:09
Mirthless Laughter 4:39
😆 What experts in laughter have found out 😆 5:28
#laugh #personalitytest #brightside
- But if a person has a habit of stopping themselves from LOL-ing, it could be a sign that they’re suppressing something else besides laughter, like nervousness.
- Snorting is another way of suppressing laughter, but this time the air that would power that laugh ends up in your nose! Snorters tend to be shy and introverted. They care about others and are afraid that their laughter might disturb someone.
- Have you ever seen someone laugh so hard that tears started streaming down their cheeks? Such people have bright personalities, and they’re trustworthy. They aren’t afraid to show how they really feel and will never lie to you or let you down.
- Wheezers have a great sense of humor, but they prefer to hide it to seem more serious and professional. It must be their shy and timid side driving wheezers into this sort of behavior.
- Snickerers are easy-going, smart, and witty. They have a ton of friends and make new ones in a matter of minutes.
- When something especially comical happens, even the most serious and humble people can’t help but laugh. Except, they do it in their own peculiar way: it’s their eyes that are laughing. This is a clear sign they don’t want any attention since they’re introverts and like to keep their feelings to themselves.
- If you spot someone laughing with their mouth wide open but with perfectly serious eyes – that's a mirthless or fake laugh. Just be careful with a person who fakes laughter – you never know what else they could be faking…
- Laughter can indicate joy, confidence, relief, love, loathing, and even discomfort and fear!
- In fact, laughter rarely has anything to do with humor and jokes.
- There’s more to laughter than just bonding – it also has a ton of health benefits. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, releases endorphins, and keeps your heart strong and healthy.
- Humans aren't the only ones that laugh. Gorillas have mastered sign language and can go “ho ho” at visitors they like.
- Your brain can also automatically tell the difference between fake and real laughter. It has a special area responsible for understanding others’ emotions.
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What Your Laugh Reveals About Your Personality
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