A short documentary about Luník IX, a neighbourhood in the city of Košice, Slovakia. Here is located the largest community of Romani people in Slovakia, and maybe in Europe. The Roma people in Lunik 9 is living in very precarious conditions, and are distinguished by a very high birth and death rates, and an very high unemployment. Some residents seem to get rid of their garbage by throwing it out from the balcony, and the condition of some of the buildings is very bad, and their stability is compromised.
Music used in video:
Restless Natives by Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions, from YouTube Audio Library
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#kosice #slovakia
Luník 9, the biggest Roma slum in Europe
lunik 9lunik 9 slovakialunik 9 kosicelunik 9 potkanylunik 9 demolitionluniklunik ixLuník IXLuník 9KošiceSlovakiaRoma slumRomaGipsyGhettolunik 9 documentaryciganskaciganytiganineighbourhooddangerous neighbourhoodurban decayblock of flatsdamaged buildingsurban blightabandoned buildingsmestská časť luník ixcigánskalunik 9 historylunik devet