Did you know this dark story in Inglourious Basterds? Director Quentin Tarantino worked on the script for around 10 years. He told a story to Brad Pitt during a round table discussion, it goes like this.. Til Schweiger was initially against wearing a Nazi uniform for a movie role, because he was born and raised in Germany and hated anything Nazi from his gut. So guess what made him accept the role, it's when he was told he would brutally kill a Nazi in every scene that he wore the uniform. This made him happily accepting to play the part of "Hugo Stiglitz". It's a little dark, but we totally understand his feelings. #shorts #inglouriousbasterds #didyouknow #moviefacts #moviedetails #quentintarantino
INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS Facts You Didn't Know! #shorts
Did you knowmovie newsnewsmoviemovie updatesmovie factsaction movie newsInglourious Basterds movie factsInglourious Basterds movie theoryInglourious Basterds hidden secretsMovie detailsInglourious Basterds easter eggsDid You Know in Inglourious BasterdsDid you know movie factsthings you missedInglourious Basterds movie detailsInglourious Basterds unknown factsInglourious BasterdsBrad PittChristoph WaltzQuentin Tarantino