Все новости на www.fashion-concert.org
Fashion-Concert.org| creative media portal
Every day we tell about the most interesting events in show-business's world, the most stylish and trendy meetings in Russia and all over the world. We take interviews from the most noticeable and talented, take only exclusive photos and videos. We give the most fresh and hot content - only the exclusive one.
Media project - Fashion-concert - differs from the others because it has the original format of presenting the material. We give our audience the opportunity to comment past events: from trendy gatherins to theatric plays and movies' premieres, fashion shows and exhibitions.
Fashion-Concert is an independent net agency, which is developing rapidly fast not only as mass media but also in such direction as events organization. We have our own photo agency, journal, own web department, we are actively developing our tv channel and organizing master classes. We always open to new partnerships. We welcome you to take part in our projects, and become a sponsor or a participant.
Estet Fashion Week 2017 осень
FashionConcertЮвелирная неделя модыEstet Fashion WeekEFWВячеслав ЗайцевXII сезон«Самоцветы»«Мы желаем счастья вам»Владимир Пресняков-старшийЕлена Преснякова«Киэрге»«Музей Моды»Ювелирный дом «Эстет»Ирина МитраковаИрина ВеличкаИрина КаримоваМария РыбальченкоЮД «Эстет»Гагик Гургенович ГеворкянGEVORKYANАнастасия ФальковичВера Черепова«Меховая магия»Ассоциация модельеров России