The desert is a land of extremes you have extreme heat by day, cold temps. by night, wind storms, lack of vegetation, things that poke and sting, and the biggest threat- a lack of water. The fact is, most folks that are lost out in the desert and happen to find rescue suffer from dehydration. When it comes to Survival priorities water is key and the Native peoples who lived out here thousands of years ago made their homesteads around water sources. In the Mojave desert when you find a significant amount of water your other priorities fall into place such as, building materials, tools, plant life, animals and much more. The problem is, finding water out in the desert can be difficult. In this video Jeff shows you how to locate water in the Mojave Desert.
In a wilderness survival situation, primitive skills, bushcraft, and wilderness living skills can save your life. In this video we focus on primitive technology. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, share it on social media and subscribe to Primitive Lifeways on YouTube. Find my website here:
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Bushcraft, Primitive Skills, Primitive Technology, Wilderness Living, Survival, Survival Skills, Primitive Survival, Desert Survival, Wilderness Survival, Emergency Preparedness, Outdoor Skills, Outdoor Living, Edible Plants, Medicinal Plants, Archery, Hunting, Bow Making, Native American, American Survival,
How to Find Water in the Desert, Part 2
Martin SurvivalWilderness SurvivalSurvivalSurvival SkillsDesert SurvivalHow To Find Water In The DesertWater In The DesertBushcraftEmergency PreparednessPathfinderPathfinder SchoolPrimitive SkillsOutdoor LivingOutdoorsCampingHikingZombie ApocalypseWalking DeadThe Walking DeadSurvival GearSurvival KitSurvival KnifeDesert Survival SkillsFallout ShelterBear GryllsDual SurvivalSurvivormanKnives And ToolsJoshua Tree