In this video for the NUST MISiS Academic Writing Center, English Language Fellow John Kotnarowski provides a brief introduction to academic writing in English. More than just the passive voice and formal tone, the video begins by explaining how academic English acts as the “voice” of research and moves on to discuss a few general features of academic writing in English. The video concludes with a series of comments on the value and importance effective communication in written academic English.
An Introduction to Academic Writing
Academic Writing (Field Of Study)academic writing in EnglishNUST Misis Academic Writing CenterJohn KotnarowskiIntroduction to academic writingWriting (Interest)AWUC NUST MISiSAWUCЦентр академического письмаакадемическое письмо на английском языке5 top 100Центр академического письма НИТУ «МИСиС»Джон Котнаровскиработа с научными текстамиакадемический английский