Demon Eartheater (Satanoperca jurupari) is also known in the hobby as Eartheater cichlid or Geophagus jurupari.
Distribution: The Satanoperca jurupari is originated from several countries in Amazon basin. But has been bred successfully in Indonesia and some other countries.
Habitat: Living mostly main river stream but also can be found in river creek or floodplain. It inhabits sand and muddy area where it often found searching for food at the bottom.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.0-7.0
TDS: 50-150 ppm
Temperature: 25-28°C
Max length: 25 cm
Usual size on trade: 5cm & 8cm
Characteristic: The Satanoperca jurupari is very peaceful as long as kept with another peaceful fish with similar size. It is one of the mouthbreeder cichlids who will keep its fries until they are large enough to find their own food. It constantly digging the sand or gravel in search of food.
Diet: live tubifex, bloodworm, artemia and pellets will be accepted once acclimated.
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